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G.I. Joe Cast Reuniting At Long Beach Comic Con 2016!

Five CelebWorx clients are heading to Long Beach Comic Con!


Six Voices from the 80s Classic Coming to Long Beach Comic Con 2016!

Long Beach Comic Con Press Release:

With a guest list that includes: Michael Bell (the voice of Duke), Arthur Burghardt (Destro), Morgan Lofting (Baroness), Hank Garrett (Dial Tone) and Loren Lester (Barbecue) we already had a pretty awesome line-up of voice actors from the original G.I. Joe cast. Now it's getting even better! We are thrilled to announce the addition of Zack Hoffman the voice of Zartan! The JOE's will be appearing in our Animation Island all weekend, as well as, panels on Saturday & Sunday. In addition to meeting and signing autographs for the fans all weekend we are happy to offer a once in a lifetime photo opportunity with all six of our G.I.JOE guests. A professional photo with six heroes and villains from the classic TV show. A must have for any hardcore G.I. JOE fan! Epic Photo-Ops, the convention photo pros, will be on hand all weekend to capture the moment and print it up for you on site! You can get a digital copy too! Bring your friends for the ultimate group photo! Make a memory. Get the pic. For more info Click Here. Click Here to get your tickets now! Kids 10 & Under get in FREE with a paid adult. Limit 2 children per paid adult.

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